Department Overview
The Department of Public Health Dentistry at Anil Neerukonda Institute of Dental Sciences,
was established in 2013. It aims to build up oral health need records of the community, develops and
strategies to meet those needs, deliver oral health services to the needy and the deprived segment of
community through outreach programs by provide transportation services for the patients to reach the
for accessing treatment. The department is entirely equipped for carrying out all kind of public oral
programs. Department frequently conducts camps and oral health education programs in various
primary healthcare centers, community halls, public and private sectors undertakings in rural as well as
urban areas through fully equipped mobile dental van.
Department is very well equipped with fully functional dental chairs for carrying out all comprehensive
dental care for OPD patients. Department also has its own digital seminar room for students to improve
knowledge and skills in an interactive manner. The department bags a capacious library with good number
latest resourceful books and Online access portal for various journals thus providing most recent
information available in the literature. Outreach activities include ,Camps, School Oral Health
satellite centres and field visits. Dental doctors skilled in clinical expertise along with interns are
posted in all satellite centers to cater to the needs of the community.
Tobacco Cessation Clinic(TCC): It is the most effective way of health intervention to reduce
impact of tobacco related mortality and morbidity.
Undergraduate Programme This program involves weekly lectures seminars, demonstration of recording
Students prepare oral health education material posters, chart & models on different topics so that it
help to educate patients in simple way. Students show different brushing techniques to the patients on
models. They show plaque control measures to the patient by using various disclosing agents. Educating
patient concerning the etiology and prevention of oral disease and encourage them to assure
for oral health.
Postgraduate Programme: The postgraduate section is fully equipped with individual dental
allotted to each student to expertise his own work. The seminars, journal clubs, paper and poster
presentation by the students improves their proclamation and oration skills. Students have to attend
workshops, CDE programme, lectures, seminars, webinars and presenting posters & papers in various
and international conferences to gain exposure to the recent advancement of dentistry.
Better Oral Health through Transformative Innovation. To Prevent and Control Oral Diseases and Promote
Health Through Organized Community Efforts
Advancing oral health through transformative education, research, clinical care and advocacy within a
diverse and inclusive environment.
To prepare students to have a knowledge of the basics of Public Health, Dental Public Health, Preventive
Dentistry, Public Health Problems in India, Nutrition, Environment and their Role in Health, Dental
Statistics, Epidemiology and National Oral Health Policy.
Services Provided
- Oral Health Education
- Tobacco Cessation Counselling
- Dietary Counselling
- Pit and Fissure Sealants
- Preventive Resin Restorations
- Topical Fluoride Applications
- Comprehensive Treatments
- Intraoral Periapical Radiograph (IOPAR)
- Ultrasonic Scaling
- Root Canal Treatments
- Fibre post and core
- Direct pulp capping
- Indirect pulp capping
- Restorations - GIC & Composite
- Removable Partial Dentures
- Complete Dentures
- Fixed Partial Dentures
- Implants
- Surgical Extractions
Special Equipments
- Fully Automated Autoclave
- Dental Xray Unit
- Portable Xray Unit
- Intraoral Camera
- Portable Dental Chairs
- Mobile Dental Unit
List of Faculty
Dr. L. Vamsi Krishna Reddy
Professor & HOD
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAPHD
Teaching Experience
18 Years 3 months 5 days
- BDS: 2001-05
- College : Sri Siddhartha Dental College, RGUHS
- MDS: 2006-09
- College: M.S. Ramaiah Dental College, RGUHS
- Association of Tobacco Smoking with Periodontal Health and Early Loss of Teeth among Adult Population in Visakhapatnam
K Rashmika, LVK Reddy, RY Sai, RV Kinneresh, BS Priyanka, VV Krishna
Journal of Global Public Health 6 (1), 13 2024
- Oral Health Status of Disabled Children Attending Special Schools in Vishakhapatnam City
R Kinneresh, LV Reddy, RY Sai, BS Priyanka, K Rashmika, G Sri
Indian Journal of Dental Education 17 (1) 2024
- Effectiveness of Egg Carton Simulation Model as a Method of Teaching Tooth Brushing in School going Children–A Quasi Experimental Study
S Polapala, AS Praharsh, LVK Reddy, P Sivakumar, P Nagarjuna, ...
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 22 (1), 107-111 2024
- Honorary Secretary’s Message
LVK Reddy
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 21 (4), 286 2023
- Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions and its Impact on Oral Health Related Quality of Life among Fisherman Community in Visakhapatnam-A Cross-sectional Study
- BS Priyanka, LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, P Swathi, R Kinneresh, K Rashmika
Sleep Quality Impact on the Oral Health Status of Thermal Power Plant Workers in Visakhapatnam: A Cross-sectional Study
LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, P Nagarjuna, R Kinneresh, BS Priyanka, ...
Age 30 (39), 40-49 2023
- Impact of Perceived Chronic Social Adversity on the Oral Health Status Among Eunuchs in Vishakhapatnam City: A Cross-Sectional Study
nagarjuna pottem vamsikrishna reddy,siva kumar
Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 14 (2), 1-4 2023
- Prevalence of oral Mucosal Lesions and its Impact on Oral Health Related Quality of Life among Fisherman Community in Visakhapatnam : A Cross-sectional Study
nagarjuna pottem vamsikrishna reddy,siva kumar
Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 14 (2), 1-4 2023
- Sleep Quality Impact on the Oral Health Status of Thermal Power Plant Workers in Visakhapatnam: A Cross-sectional Study
nagarjuna pottem vamsikrishna reddy,siva kumar
Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 14 (2), 1-4 2023
- Plaque Removal Efficacy With Powered And Manual Toothbrushes In Visually Impaired Children Using Three Different Sensory Input Methods In Dental Health Education-A Comparative …
BM Sree, KC Ram, R Venkatsubramanian, S Burle, LV Krishna, SB Reddy
Lat. Am. J. Pharm 42, 5 2023
- Teledentistry: Knowledge, attitude, and perception among undergraduate and postgraduate dental students
BS Priyanka, LVK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, N Pottem, YS Rachuru
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (4), 393-397 2022
- Knowledge, Attitude, Perception of Practicing Dentists Toward Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Andhra Pradesh–A Cross-Sectional Study
R Kolikipudi, LVK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, N Pottem, YS Rachuru
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (4), 356-361 2022
- Honorary Secretary's Message
LVK Reddy
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (3), 228 2022
- Utilization of dental health-care services by accredited social health activist and Anganwadi workers in Lucknow district: a cross-sectional study
DD Khoisnam, LVK Reddy, PM Sinha, BS Goutham, S Saha
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (3), 252-256 2022
- The Impact of Lifestyles on the Periodontal Health Among 35–44 Years Old Adult Population in Lucknow District: A Cross-Sectional Study
I Verma, LVK Reddy, A Verma, P Kashyap, M Sanaullah, J Adwani
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (2), 147-152 2022
- Impact of Perceived Chronic Social Adversity on the Oral Health Status among Eunuchs in Vishakhapatnam City: A Cross-Sectional Study 2022
- R Kinneresh, LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, RY Sai, BS Priyanka, K Rashmika
Effectiveness of game-based oral health education method on oral hygiene performance of 12-year-old private school children in Lucknow City: A field trial
P Kashyap, LVK Reddy, P Sinha, I Verma, J Adwani
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 20 (1),43-48 2022
I Verma, LVK Reddy, P Kashyap, M Sanaullah 2021
P Kashyap, LVK Reddy, I Verma, A Agarwal, S Bhattacherjee 2021
KD Devi, LVK Reddy, P Sinha, BS Goutham, A Verma, S Singh 2021
- Prevalence of Malocclusion and its Relationship with Sociodemographic Factors, Dental Caries and Oral Hygiene Status in 12-15 Years Children of Lucknow City.
Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 15 (5) 2021
- A study on association of age, gender, and body mass index with hematological parameters
P Singh, SK Singh, VK Reddy, S Sharma, S Chandra, P Vijay
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 19 (2), 109-114 2021
- Prevalence of Malocclusion and its Relationship with Sociodemographic Factors, Dental Caries and Oral Hygiene Status in 12-15 Years Children of Lucknow City. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 May, Vol-15(5): ZC52-ZC56.
- Effectoffluoride andnonfluoride remineralizingagentsinwhitespotlesionsin mentally retarded children: A parallel randomized clinical trial. . Int J Prev Clin Dent Res 2020;7:55-7.
- Prevalence of tobacco use and effect of restrictions on smokingat home, at school, and in public places on teenagers in Lucknow City: A cross-sectional study.Indian Assoc Public Health Dent.2020; 18:246-9
- Latest Evolutions in Non-fluoridated remineralizing Technologies- An update International journal of Recent Scientific Research.2020; 11(05):38408-38412.
- Association of dentition status, treatment needs and tooth eruption sequence in relation with body mass index in school going children of Delhi, India. International Journal of Scientific Research.Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August – 2019.
- Comparative Evaluation of Green Tea and Chlorhexidine Mouthwashes on Gingivitis:ARandomizedControlledTrialJournalofIndianAssocPublicHealthDent 2019; 17:269-74
- Prevalence of Traumatic Dental Injuries among 5–16 Year old Children and Knowledge of Teachers in the Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries.Journal Of Indian Association Public Health Dent 2019; 17:328-32.
- AnOverviewonOralHealthLiteracyInternationalJournalofOralHealthMedRes 2018;5(5):32-34.
EffectofSocioeconomicStatus,SocialExclusiononDentalCariesamong12years old School going children of rural areas in Lucknow City –A Cross-Sectional Survey International Journal of Oral Health Med Res 2018; 5(5):8-11
To assess relationship between obesity and dental Caries, and lifestyle factors among 12-15 years School going children in Lucknow city: a cross-sectional survey. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2018; 7 (8):509-519
Effectiveness of a training program related to infection control and waste management practices in a dental college: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Oral Care Research. 2018;6:73-7
Presented 9 scientific paper, 3 poster presentations & one documentary in various National
Presented a lecture on “e-Adhyana “ faculty development Programme conducted by IQAC,Anids
Key note speaker in conferences
Organized 5 national conferences and 1 International conference.
Chaired scientific sessions in national conferences
“Core committee member” for development, validation and implementation of training manual for dental professionals under national resource centre of oral health and tobacco cessation at MAIDS.
“National level trainer” for delivery of comprehensive primary health care through Ayushman Bharat Health and wellness centre.
Received “Distinguished Public Health Dentist Award 2019” in the event of Indian Health Professionals Awards
Honourable secretary of IAPHD (Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry)
Member of curriculum development committee
Expert interviewer
Member of Board of Studies for many Universities
Dr. Siva Kumar Pydi
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAPHD
Teaching Experience
10 Years 8 months 5 days
- BDS: 2005-2010
- College : GITAM Dental College, Visakhapatnam, DR. NTRUHS
- MDS: 2011-14
- College: Sibar Institute of dental sciences , Guntur, DR. NTRUHS
- Smoking and COVID-19 Search Engine Trends: An Explanatory Study - P Chatti, VK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, YS Rachuru, N Pottem - Journal of Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences (2024); 13(4): 306-310
- Oral Health Status of 12 and 15 Years Old School-Going Children in Rural and Urban Areas of Madhurawada Town - P Chatti, VK Reddy, SK Pydi, N Pottem, Y Sai - JIDA: Journal of Indian Dental Association (2024); 18(7)
- Effectiveness of Egg Carton Simulation Model as a Method of Teaching Tooth Brushing in School-Going Children – A Quasi-Experimental Study - S Polapala, AS Praharsh, LVK Reddy, P Sivakumar, P Nagarjuna - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2024); 22(1): 107-111
- Caries Risk Profiles in 13–15-Year-Old Schoolchildren in Guntur City Using Cariogram: A Cross-Sectional Study - K Ramya, S Suresh, S Pachava, NPM Pavani, SK Pydi, V Viswanath - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2024); 22(1): 66-70
- Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions and Its Impact on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Among Fisherman Community in Visakhapatnam - A Cross-Sectional Study - BS Priyanka, LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, P Swathi, R Kinneresh, K Rashmika (2023)
- Sleep Quality Impact on the Oral Health Status of Thermal Power Plant Workers in Visakhapatnam: A Cross-Sectional Study - LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, P Nagarjuna, R Kinneresh, BS Priyanka (2023); (39): 40-49
- Oral Health Status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Kodhu Tribes – A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study - P Chatti, VK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, ATP Pallekonda - Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine (2022); 8(2): 137-142
- Bibliometric Analysis of the Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry from 2014 to 2020 - J Karishma, B Patti, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, C Prathyusha, ATP Pallekonda - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2021); 19(3): 180-183
- Career satisfaction among dental practitioners in Srikakulam, India. J Int Soc Prev
Community Dent. 2015;5(1):40-6
- Caries removal by chemomechanical (carisolvtm) and conventional (airotor) methods
–comparative in-vitro study. journal of dental and medical sciences (iosrjdms) volume 14,
issue 7.
- Dental pain and self-care: a cross-sectional study of people with low socioeconomic
residing in rural india. Int Dent J 2015 Oct;65(5):256-60.
- Effects of green tea on streptococcus mutans counts-a randomised control trail J Clin
Diagn Res. 2014 Nov;
- Perceptions on faculty development among dental faculty in andhra Pradesh. J Indian
Health Dent 2017;15:151-6.
- Microbial contamination of the white coats among preclinical and clinical dental
a comparative
cross‑sectional study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2015;13:193-6.
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Health Care Ethics Among Medical, Dental and
Colleges Students and Faculty in Visakhapatnam: A Questionnaire Study. International
Bioterrorism Attacks. International Healthcare Research Journal 2020 4 (4) ;92- 97
Oral Health Status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) among steel factory
workers of Visakhapatnam-A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:5309-15.
Priyanka BS, Reddy LV, Parlapalli V, Pydi SK, Pottem N, Rachuru YS. Teledentistry:
Knowledge, attitude, and perception among undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.
Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2022;20:393-7.
Kolikipudi R, Reddy LV, Parlapalli V, Pydi SK, Pottem N, Rachuru YS. Knowledge, attitude,
perception of practicing dentists toward coronavirus disease 2019in Andhra Pradesh – A
cross-sectional study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2022;20:356-61.
Research Journal 2020;4(5):126-135.
- Knowledge Attitude and Preparedness among Different Health Professionals Towards
Bioterrorism Attacks. International Healthcare Research Journal 2020 4 (4) ;92- 97
Oral Health Status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) among steel factory
workers of Visakhapatnam-A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:5309-15.
Priyanka BS, Reddy LV, Parlapalli V, Pydi SK, Pottem N, Rachuru YS. Teledentistry:
Knowledge, attitude, and perception among undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.
Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2022;20:393-7.
Kolikipudi R, Reddy LV, Parlapalli V, Pydi SK, Pottem N, Rachuru YS. Knowledge, attitude,
perception of practicing dentists toward coronavirus disease 2019in Andhra Pradesh – A
cross-sectional study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2022;20:356-61.
- Secured 74% in NPTEL course on “health research fundamentals” conducted by national institute of epidemiology (NIE)-ICMR, Chennai
- Guided the student who received UG-NTRUHS research financial grant 2021.
- Reviewer in journal of Dr.NTRUHS and JIAPHD
- Chairperson for scientific sessions in National conferences & conventions conducted by IAPHD.
- External examiner for final year university examinations conducted by different state universities
- Paper titled , financial management practice and attitudes of dentists in visakhapatnam
city, at 25th iaphd national conference , Goa
Paper titled , effectiveness of E- Learning classes for undergraduates in dental colleges
of Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Pottem Nagarjuna
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAPHD
Teaching Experience
6 Years 9 month 6 days
- BDS: 2008-2013
- College : Narayana dental college, Nellore, DR.NTRUHS
- MDS: 2014-2017
- College: : Narayana dental college,Nellore, DR.NTRUHS
- Smoking and COVID-19 Search Engine Trends: An Explanatory Study - P Chatti, VK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, YS Rachuru, N Pottem - Journal of Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences (2024); 13(4): 306-310
- Oral Health Status of 12 and 15 Years Old School-Going Children in Rural and Urban Areas of Madhurawada Town - P Chatti, VK Reddy, SK Pydi, N Pottem, Y Sai - JIDA: Journal of Indian Dental Association (2024); 18(7)
- Effectiveness of Egg Carton Simulation Model as a Method of Teaching Tooth Brushing in School-Going Children – A Quasi-Experimental Study - S Polapala, AS Praharsh, LVK Reddy, P Sivakumar, P Nagarjuna - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2024); 22(1): 107-111
- Sleep Quality Impact on the Oral Health Status of Thermal Power Plant Workers in Visakhapatnam: A Cross-Sectional Study - LVK Reddy, PS Kumar, P Nagarjuna, R Kinneresh, BS Priyanka (2023); (39): 40-49
- Impact of Sense of Coherence on Oral Health Among Steel Plant Employees of Visakhapatnam City: A Cross-Sectional Study - U Juwayriyya, P Nagarjuna, A Velamala (2023)
- Teledentistry: Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Among Undergraduate and Postgraduate Dental Students - BS Priyanka, LVK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, N Pottem, YS Rachuru - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2022); 20(4): 393-397
- Knowledge, Attitude, Perception of Practicing Dentists Toward Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Andhra Pradesh – A Cross-Sectional Study - R Kolikipudi, LVK Reddy, V Parlapalli, SK Pydi, N Pottem, YS Rachuru - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2022); 20(4): 356-361
- Utilization of Dental Health Care Services and Its Barriers Among the White-Collar Port Workers in Visakhapatnam, India - A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study - RSB P. G. R. Pankaj Mallik, Ajaz Ahmed Dar, Neha Shaktawat, P. Nagarjuna - Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry (2022); 13(3): 1-5
- Beliefs and Barriers Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination Among the Outpatients Attending the Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Visakhapatnam City, Andhra Pradesh - AAD Nagarjuna P, NV Teja Ranganadham - Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (2022); 6(4): 20-27
- Assessment of Periodontal Status in Smokeless Tobacco Chewers and Non-Chewers Among Industrial Workers in Visakhapatnam City - BS P. Nagarjuna, Ajaz Ahmed Dar, S.R Yaswanth, S. Pichika - Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry (2022); 13(3): 1-4
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Perception Towards COVID-19 Among Dental Students in Andhra Pradesh: A Cross-Sectional Study - S Kumar, P Nagarjuna, R Yaswanth (2022)
- Utilization of Dental Health Care Services and Its Barriers Among the White-Collar Port Workers in Visakhapatnam, India - A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study - PGRP Mallik, AA Dar, N Shaktawat, P Nagarjuna, R Shaik, RS Bhati (2022)
- Dental Diseases and Factors Defining Utilization of Dental Care Services Among Rural Children Aged 12 Years in Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh: A Community-Based Study - CR Vuyyuru, RN Rangari, GS Singaraju, N Pottem - Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences (2021); 13(Suppl 2): S1422-S1427
- Tobacco Cessation Counseling Among Dental Professionals of Visakhapatnam City - Knowledge, Preparedness and Perceived Barriers - Dr. Anant Ragav Sharma, Dr. Arpit Singhi, Dr. Nagarjuna P - International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) (2021)
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Health Care Ethics Among Medical, Dental and
Colleges Students and Faculty in Visakhapatnam: A Questionnaire Study. International
Research Journal 2020;4(5):126-135.
- Oral Health Status and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) among steel factory
of Visakhapatnam-A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2020;9:5309-15.
- Comparative evaluation of microleakage of various glass-ionomer cements: An in vitro
study. Int J
Prev Clin Dent Res 2018;5:17-20.
- Assessment of periodontal health and necessity of dental treatment in the
institutionalized elderly
population of East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2019;11:S188-93.
- Procrastination among Dental Postgraduate Students in Maharashtra, India. J Res Adv
- Frequency of Periodontitis and Gingivitis in Pregnancy: A Comparative Study between
Third Trimesters of Pregnancy. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative
(IJMSIR) Volume – 3, Issue – 5, September - 2018, Page No. : 79 – 86
- Utilization of dental health care services and its barriers among the white-collar port
workers in
Nellore, India- A cross-sectional questionnaire study. International Journal of Current
Vol. 10, Issue, 02, pp.65603-65607, February, 2018
- Erosive Tooth Wear among 3-6 Year Old Kindergarten Children in Nellore District of
Pradesh. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:114-124.
- Assessment of flouride content in various popular indian tea brands. ejpmr, 2017,4(11),
- Probiotics in Prevention of Dental Caries: A Systematic Review. IOSR Journal of Dental
Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) Volume 15, Issue 11 Ver. VII (November. 2016), PP 89-101.
- Utilization of dental health-care services and its barriers among the patients visiting
health centers in Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh: A cross-sectional, questionnaire
J Indian
Assoc Public Health Dent 2016;14:451
- Kolikipudi R, Reddy LV, Parlapalli V, Pydi SK, Pottem N, Rachuru YS. Knowledge,
perception of practicing dentists toward coronavirus disease 2019 in Andhra Pradesh – A
study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2022;20:356-61.
- Presented 9 scientific paper, 3 poster presentations & one documentary in various
National conferences
- Presented a lecture on “e-Adhyana “ faculty development Programme conducted by
- Secured “silver medal’’ (74%) in NPTEL course on “health research fundamentals”
by national institute of epidemiology (NIE)-ICMR, Chennai.
- Secured „“gold medal” for distinction in oral surgery subject in NTRUHS university
- Chairperson for scientific session at 39th APSDC –Andhra Pradesh state dental
2017, Rajahmundry.
- Guided the student who received UG-NTRUHS research financial grant 2021.
- Editorial board member in as dental sciences journal from Acta scientific open
international library,
- Reviewer in journal of emerging technologies and innovative research and JIAPHD
- Best scientific paper award for the paper titled “a content analysis of oral health
messages in Indian mass media” in 25th National conference of the Indian association of
public health dentistry, January 2020 (virtual)
- Chairperson for scientific sessions in National conferences & conventions conducted by
- External examiner for final year university examinations conducted by different state
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAPHD
Teaching Experience
5 Years 7 months 5 days
- BDS: 2015
- College : Gitam Dental College, Visakhapatnam, Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- MDS: 2019
- College: : Oxford Dental College, Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- Acceptance of Hospital Information Management to Improve the Quality of Healthcare in a Teaching Dental Hospital of Visakhapatnam City - A Mixed-Method Study - RVSSK Kinneresh, L Vamsi Krishna Reddy, P Swathi, B Suma Priyanka - RFP Journal of Hospital Administration (2024); 8(1)
- Effectiveness of Egg Carton Simulation Model as a Method of Teaching Tooth Brushing in School-Going Children – A Quasi-Experimental Study - S Polapala, AS Praharsh, LVK Reddy, P Sivakumar, P Nagarjuna - Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (2024); 22(1): 107-111
- Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions and Its Impact on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Among Fisherman Community in Visakhapatnam - A Cross-Sectional Study - Boddeda Suma Priyanka, L. Vamsi Krishna Reddy, P. Siva Kumar, P. Swathi - J Res Adv Dent (2023); 14(2): 1-5
- Assessment of Impact of New Work Posture Adaptations of Dentists on Musculoskeletal Discomfort by RULA and QEC - MK Pasupuleti, J Koneru, P Swathi, KV Pv, SA Kukutla - International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences (2023); 6(2): 161-170
- Knowledge, attitude and practices among practicing dentists regarding bio-medical waste
management in Visakhapatnam [AP] - a cross-sectional study. International Journal Of
Medical And Pharmaceutical Research, - December 2018;Vol 4(Issue12):3918-3923.
- Predictors of smoking cessation and its association with health literacy- A cross
sectional study. International Journal Of Current Medical And Pharmaceutical
Research.2019; Vol. 5, (Issue,
- Sports dentistry-a review International Journal of Current
Research.2019;Vol.11(Issue1):177-183 Review Article,6 th author
- Assessment of Periodontal Status in Smokeless Tobacco Chewers and Non-chewers among
Industrial Workers in Visakhapatnam City. Journal of Research and Advancement.2022;Vol 13
(Issue 3):1-4.
- Paper titled prevalence of elevated levels of hypertension among the patients attending
a private
dental college - A hospital based study at 25th IAPHD national conference Goa 2022.
Assistant Professor
Professional Affiliations
Life member IAPHD
Teaching Experience
6 Years 6 months 3 days
- BDS: 2012
- College : Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram
University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- MDS: 2017
- College:Mamata Dental College, khammam
University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- Anand, B. Sujith; Pratap, K. V. N. R.; Padma, T. Madhavi; Kalyan, V. Siva; Vineela, P.; Varma, Surya Chandra. Assessment of Attitude Toward Community Service Among Dental Students of Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in South India. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences 9(3):p 181-183, Jul–Sep 2017. | DOI: 10.4103/IJDS.IJDS_48_17
Rao, Thirumal & Anil, B & Anand, Sujith & Mohiddin, Arif. (2022). Oral Premalignant Lesion-Oral Leukoplakia with Fungal Infection (Case Report). 3. 395-397.
EPIDEMOLOGICAL STUDY OF ORAL PREMALIGNANT LESIONS :- AN INSTITUTIONAL EXPERIENCE. , Dr. Y. Prem Sagar, Dr. B. Anil, Dr. Reshma T, Dr. Arif Mohiddin, Dr. B.Sujith Anand, Dr. Prasanthi S GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-11 | Issue-02 | February-2022
- Paper titled prevalence of elevated levels of hypertension among the patients attending
a private
dental college - A hospital based study at 25th IAPHD national conference Goa 2022.
Assistant Professor
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAPHD
Teaching Experience
1 Month
- BDS: 2020
- College: Anil Neerukonda institute of Dental Sciences, Visakhapatnam
- University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- MDS: 2024
- College: Anil Neerukonda institute of Dental Sciences, Visakhapatnam
- University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- Effectiveness of Egg Carton Simulation Model as a Method of Teaching Tooth Brushing in School going Children–A Quasi Experimental Study
S Polapala, AS Praharsh, LVK Reddy, P Sivakumar, P Nagarjuna, ...
Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 22 (1), 107-111
- 26th National IAPHD Conference - Periodontal Health Status, Oral Mucosal Lesions And Oral Habits Among Sea Food Industry Employees Of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
- 14th IAPHD - National Convention Assessment Of Anxiety Associated With Chemo-Mechanical Caries Removal Method Compared To Conventional Method And Atraumatic Restorative Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- 27th National IAPHD Conference - Testing A New Questionnaire For Child Dental Neglect In Autistic Children In Visakhapatnam City
- 1st International IAPHD Conference, Bangkok - Effectiveness of CBT & BHE for Tobacco Cessation:a randomized controlled trial
- Best Scientific Poster Presentation at 26th National IAPHD Conference at Goa 2022
- Best Scientific Paper Presentation at 1st IAPHD International Conference in Bangkok 2024
- 2nd in Dr. NTRUHS Post graduate Examinations in 2024
Photo Gallery