Department Overview
The Department of Periodontology and Implantology focuses exclusively on the inflammatory diseases
effect the tooth supporting tissues. Treatment provided ranges from scaling to flap surgery,
therapy, perio-regenerative procedures, implant placement and perio-esthetic procedures.
The department was started in 2013 with a batch of 100 BDS students. In 2019 postgraduate training was
introduced with 2 MDS seats. The department has well qualified and experienced teaching faculty on a
permanent full time teaching basis.
The department boasts of latest equipment such as LASER, Guided IMPLANT systems, PRF machine and
microsurgical instruments to crater the patients suffering from periodontal diseases.
To be a pioneer orthodontic department by imparting quality dental education, teaching
clinical skills , following latest technological innovations and get recognised as a
centre for
excellence in clinical research.
Provide quality education to both undergraduate and postgraduate students by strictly
adhering to
the curriculum, organizing CDE programs and workshops.
Services Provided
- Hand scaling
- Ultrasonic scaling
- Subgingival scaling & Root planing
- Splinting for mobile teeth
- Excision of localized lesions
- Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty
- Frenectomy procedures
- Depigmentation procedures
- Operculectomy
- Crown lengthening procedures
- Abscess drainage
- Various flap surgical procedures using bone grafts >R membranes
- Periodontal plastic surgeries
- Sinus lift & ridge expansion procedures
- Periodontal surgeries using PRF
- LASER techniques
- Dental Implants
Special Equipment
Soft Tissue Laser
Implant Kit
PRP/PRF Equipment
Fully automated autoclave
List of Faculty
Dr. Yerra Velangini Sashi Kanth
Professor & HOD
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
20 years
- BDS: 2000
- College: Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad. Dr. NTRUHS
- MDS: 2004
- College: Government Dental College and Hospital, Hyderabad. Dr. NTRUHS
- Comparison of bacterial colonization on absorbable non-coated suture with triclosan or chlorhexidine-coated sutures: a randomized controlled study- European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2023
- Efficacy of Hyaluronic acid and Chlorhexidine mouthwash in Periodontitis patients: A Clinico-microbiological study- European Chemical Bulletin. 2023; 12(4):15459-15471
- An in vitro stereomicroscopic comparative evaluation of a combination of Apex locater
endodontic motor with an Integrated Endodontic motor. Journal Of Conservative Dentistry.
- Biologic dentin post for Radicular rehabilitation of a fractured anterior tooth.
Journal Of Clinical
And Diagnostic Research. 2014;8(2):242-243.
- Comprehensive management of cinguloradicular groove complicated by Periodontal and
pathosis. Journal Of Research And Advancement In Dentistry.2016;5(2):91-96.
- Marginal gingival papilloma. Journal Of Research And Advancement In
- Comparison of Position of the Gingival Zenith in Males and Females. Journal Of
Research And
Advancement In Dentistry.2018;8(1):228:226.
- Oral hygiene and gingival health among dental students. Journal Of Research And
In Dentistry. J Res Adv Dent 2018; 8(1):87-92.
- Use and abuse of Antibiotics in dentistry – ISP 1st workshop, 2000.
- Bone grafts and its substitutes in periodontics and Implantology at GITAM Dental College - 2008
- Perio- restorative inter- relationship at GITAM Dental College – 2013
- Antibiotics in periodontal surgery at GITAM Dental College – 2022
- Failures and complications in periodontal surgery – Perioavalokan at Vishnu dental college 2023
- Guest lecture on neutrophils in health &disease at Vishnu dental college 2023
- Guest lecture on chemotherapy in periodontics at Vishnu dental college 2024
- American academy of implant dentistry – Affiliate Fellowship
Dr. Venugopal Kunthsam
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
17 years
- BDS: 2000
- College: Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, Dr.MGR Medical University
- MDS: 2008
- College: Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, Meenakshi University
- Effect of covid and its treatment protocols on chronic generalized periodontitis- A prospective study- Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 2022; 34:290-4.
- Comparison of bacterial colonization on absorbable non-coated suture with triclosan or chlorhexidine-coated sutures: a randomized controlled study- European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2023.
- Subpedical graft-A case report. National Research Denticon. 2014;3(1):28-32
- The clinical effects of Amlodipine on periodontal status. National Research Denticon.
- Effect of tetracycline hydrochloride and spiramycin subgingival irrigation with
pulsated jet irrigator
in chronic periodontitis patients -A clinical study. Journal Of International Oral
Health. 2015; 7(7):1-
- Comparison of the position of the gingival zenith in males and females. Journal Of
Research and
Advancement in Dentistry. 2018; 8(1): 228:226
- Determining the Gingival Biotype Based on Dentopapillary Compound. Journal Of the
International Clinical Dental Research Organization 2018;10(1): 37-41.
- Amlodipine induced gingival overgrowth – A case report Coorg.
- Role of bone grafts in Periodontal regeneration, Kumbakonam.
- Interdisciplinary management of multiple unerupted teeth: A Periodontal perspective,
- The validity of new gingival recession classification – an intra and inter examiner
reliability study –
ISP Pune conference.
- Effect of volatile smoke components on human gingival fibroblasts. 30th National
Conference of ISP, Chennai.
- Periodontal status in patients with cleft lip, palate, and alveolus. 17th Annual
Conference of ISDR, Ragas dental College, Chennai.
- Best Poster in Periodontal status in patients with cleft lip, palate, and cleft lip,
palate, and alveolus.
17th Annual Conference of ISDR, Ragas dental College, Chennai, Nov 2005.
- Diploma in diode laser dentistry – Indian academy of laser dentistry – 2012.
- Fellow award – International congress of implantologists – 2020 - ICOI
Dr. Archana Tangudu
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
11 years 7 months
- BDS: 2008
- College: Gitam Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Dr. NTR University of Health
Sciences, AP
- MDS: 2013
- College: Gitam Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Dr. NTR University of Health
Sciences, AP
- Prevalence of dental caries, oral hygiene status, malocclusion status and dental treatment needs in Thalassemic children: A cross-sectional study- Journal of Research and Advancement In Dentistry. 2020 ;10(2):35-41
- Antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles synthesized using A traditional phytoproduct, Asafetida Gum against periodontal Opportunistic pathogens- Annals of Forest Research 2022;65(1): 5134-5141
- Effects of low-level laser therapy with an herbal extract in peri-implant mucositis- Latin American Journal of Pharmacy 2022;41(4): 223-228
- Immune histochemical expression of osteonectin, matrix metalloproteinases-9 and Ki-67
in ameloblastoma. Journal Of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. 2018;22(3):446-452
- Mesiodens an eruption path breaker: Review and case report. Journal Of Research and
Advancement in Dentistry. 2018:8(1):229-232.
- Comparison of the position of the gingival zenith in males and females. Journal Of
Research and
Advancement in Dentistry. 2018; 8(1): 228:226
- Prevalence of dental caries, oral hygiene status, malocclusion status, and dental
treatment needs
in Thalassaemic children: A cross-sectional study. Journal Of Research and Advancement
in Dentistry. 2020 ;10(2):35-41
- Antimicrobial effects of silver nanoparticles synthesized using A traditional
phytoproduct, Asafoetida Gum against periodontal Opportunistic pathogens. - Category: I
Ann. For. Res. 2022;65(1):
- Oral manifestations associated with neutrophil deficiency and neutrophil disorders: A
review Category: III - Iaim, 2018; 5(6): 61-71. (Jun,2018)
- Category: III - Journal of evidence-based medicine and healthcare; volume 1, issue 9,
31, 2014; page: 1192-1196.
- A cross-sectional study on the periodontal health status of jail inmates of
Visakhapatnam city
Andhra Pradesh Category: III - Int j recent sci res. 2018;9(3): 24824-24827
- Role of ultrasonics in periodontics. Presented at 9th ISP National PG Convention,
Tirupati. Conducted during 18.06.10 to 20.06.10.
- Biomimetics in periodontal regeneration. Presented at 3rd ASP Convention,
Visakhapatnam. Conducted during 21.08.10 to 22.08.10.
- Fixed prosthesis and periodontal health. Presented at IDA state conference,
Visakhapatnam. Conducted during 26.11.10 to 28.11.10.
- Bioactive membrane in the treatment of intrabony defect. Presented at CDE programme -
dental college, Visakhapatnam. Conducted on 29.09.12
- Evolution of suture materials. Presented at 35TH ISP National Conference, Bangalore.
during 28.10.11 to 30.10.11.
- Pathogenic or non-pathogenic plaque possible routes. Presented at IAP Regional
meeting –
2010. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai.
- Biology of cementum. Presented at 4TH ASP convention, Bheemavaram. Conducted during
28.01.11 to 29.01.11.
- Neutrophil disorders and periodontal disease-Presented at Perioimmune, CDE Programme,
Khammam. Conducted on 12.09.11.
- Immediate implant placement with immediate loading in maxillary anterior region: A
clinical report. Presented at 36TH ISP National conference, Ahmedabad. Conducted during
14.10.11 TO
- Platform switching –and the reality of crestal bone-Presented at Periotoday, Kamineni
institute of
dental sciences, Narketpally. Conducted during 28.07.12 to 29.07.12.
- Autogenous membrane-unlimited-Periodontal potential. Presented at FDI-IDA state
conference -
Hyderabad. Conducted during 1.12.12 to 2.12.12
- Webinar on “A HAPPY MOUTH IS A HAPPY BODY” at MNR dental college and hospital 2024
- Poster: (1st prize) – Pathogenic or non-pathogenic plaque possible routes. Presented
at IAP Regional meeting – 2010. Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai.
- Poster: (2nd prize) – Autogenous membrane- unlimited- exciting- Periodontal
potential. Presented
at FDI - IDA conference, Hyderabad- 2012.
Dr. V.S.P. Gupta Kandukuri
Associate professor
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
10 years
- BDS: 2009
- College: Gitam Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Dr. NTR University of Health
Sciences, AP.
- MDS: 2014
- College: Gitam Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam. Dr. NTR University of Health
Sciences, AP
- Effect of covid and its treatment protocols on chronic generalized periodontitis- A prospective study: Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology 2022; 34:290-4.
- Comparison of Position of the Gingival Zenith in Males and Females. Journal Of
Research and
Advancement in Dentistry. 2018; 8(1): 228:226.
- Putting theory into practice, Part I: newer perspective in preclinical training.
Journal of research
and advancement in dentistry.2018;8(1):64-69
- Putting theory into practice, Part II-enhancement of error identification and
problem-solving by the
way of OSPE approach. Journal of research and advancement in dentistry. 2018;8(1):82-86.
- Assessing the probability of having attained 16 years of age in juveniles using third
molar development in a sample of the South Indian population. Journal of Forensic
- Periodontal status in pre-menopausal & post-menopausal women
- Regeneration of furcation defects using autogenous periosteal membranes: a case
- Regeneration of furcation defects using autogenous periosteal membranes: a report of
two cases.
- Horizontal ridge expansion and simultaneous implant placement – case series – 2015 –
Vizag IDA conference
- The validity of new gingival recession classification – an intra and inter examiner
reliability study – ISP Pune conference.
- Periodontal awareness amongst the interns of dental colleges
- Coronally positioned flap with GTR for root coverage
- Alcoholic mouthwashes vs non-alcoholic mouthwashes
- Immunodiagnostic tests in periodontics
- Session chairing (42 IDA STATE DENTAL CONFERENCE 25 NOVEMBER 2022.)
Dr. Dwarapu Rachita Rao
Associate professor
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
6years 5 months
- BDS: 2012
- College: Dr. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. NTR University
Health Sciences, AP
- MDS: 2018
- College: Dr. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. NTR University
Health Sciences, AP
- Evaluation Of Effects Of 1.2% Atorvastatin as A Local Drug Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study- International Journal of Advanced Research. 2022;10(10):694-701
- Is “PRF”-The Add-On Precedence to Procure Better Bone to Implant Contact? A Randomized Control Trial- International Journal of Medical Sciences and Current Research.2022;5(3):1207-1215
- Is “PRF”-The Add-On Precedence to Procure Better Bone to Implant Contact? A
Randomized Control Trail. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research
- To evaluate the relation between lipid profile and stress in chronic periodontitis
and healthy individuals-International Journal of current research. 9 (9), 57223-57227
- The pertinacious dilemma-endo-perio lesion IP International Journal of Periodontology
and Implantology.-2017 2 (3), 83-86An autologous indigenous armour--Platelet Rich Plasma
- An autologous indigenous armour--Platelet Rich Plasma IP International Journal of
Periodontology and Implantology. -2017 2(3):75-82.
- To Evaluate the Relation Between Lipid Profile and Stress in Chronic Periodontitis
and Healthy
Individuals, at 16th ISP Convention at Manali.
- Quercitrin- A Nature’s Gift,15Th ISP Convention at Bhuvneshwar.
- “PRF”-The Add-On Precedence to Procure Better Bone to Implant Contact, at Periowave
in Gitam.
- Statins In Periodontics, Exuberance 2015-1st Women Dental Conference, Vijayawada.
- Biophotonics, 40th Isp Conference at Hyderabad.
- Ligaplants—The Future of Implant Dentistry, 41st Isp Conference at Nagpur.
- Statins In Periodontics, Exuberance 2015-1st Women Dental Conference Vijayawada –
- Ligaplants—The Future of Implant Dentistry, 41st - Isp Conference at Nagpur – BEST
Dr. Bathula Hanusha
Associate Professor
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP, LIA
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
5years 11 months
- BDS: 2013
- College: Government Dental College. Vijayawada, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences,
- MDS: 2018
- College: Government Dental College And Hospital, Hyderabad.. Dr. NTR University of
Health Sciences, AP
- Assessment of tissue changes observed with single-unit dental implants placed in conjunction with platelet-rich fibrin- An evaluative study. Journal of Microscopy and ultrastructure. 2024.
- Comparison of Effects of Mouthwash Containing Chlorhexidine and Chlorine Dioxide on
Salivary Bacteria-A Randomized Control Study. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research
- Evaluation of efficacy of Triphala as a preprocedural mouth rinse - a comparative
study. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(38):3360-3364.
- Effect of covid and its treatment protocols on
- chronic generalized periodontitis- A prospective study. J Indian Acad Oral
- Med Radiol 2022; 34:290-4.
- Evaluation of Salivary Procalcitonin levels in chronic periodontitis patients with
before & after non-surgical periodontal therapy- A clinical study. International Journal
of Medical
Science and Diagnosis Research. Volume 4, Issue 3; March 2020;1-6. Category 1, 6th
author (15
- Effects of low-level laser therapy with an herbal extract in peri-implantitis -
Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, 2022.
- Platelet concentrates: A New Era in Periodontal Regeneration - 2nd Telangana State
Dental Conference, Hyderabad
- Partial Extraction Therapy - 3rd Telangana State Dental Conference, Nalgonda.
- The validity of new gingival recession classification – an intra and inter examiner
reliability study – ISP Pune conference.
- Nutrigenomics - 40th ISP National Conference, Hyderabad
- Xeroderma Pigmentosum-A case report with oral implications - 15th ISP PG Convention,
- Comparison of efficacy of pre-procedural mouth rinses in reducing bacterial load in
aerosols produced during ultrasonic scaling - 16th ISP PG Convention, Manali.
- Associate fellowship in laser dentistry – WCLI
Dr. B. Bharghavi Patnaik
Assistant professor
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : ISP
Annual Member : IDA
Teaching Experience
1 year
- BDS: 2018
- MDS: 2023
- College: Vishnu dental college, Dr. NTR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES
- Knowledge, attitude, and practice of tele dentistry in periodontal diagnosis: Is it the required upgrade to conventional periodontics, Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 2023 Category -I, 2nd author
- Peri-implant mucosal enhancement using leukocyte platelet rich fibrin under Sohn’s poncho technique: A randomized controlled clinical trial, Clin Adv Periodontics. 2023, Category -I, 1st author
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