The department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology focuses its
efforts on academics, research, and investigative procedures. The department is one of the
best equipped colleges in the country and is also well staffed to provide the very best
academic training for undergraduates. The department teaches undergraduate students Dental
Anatomy, Embryology, Oral Histology, Oral Pathology, and Microbiology. For the
undergraduate training programme, the department has cutting-edge facilities such as a
museum and a diagnostic histopathology centre. Research is an integral part of the
department and the thrust areas of research include potentially malignant disorders,
Odontogenic cysts, tumours and bio-alternatives in histopathology. As part of patient care,
the laboratory provides oral diagnostic histopathology services as well as histopathologic
examination of submitted biopsy.
To be a leading centre for academic excellence, histopathological innovations, diagnosis, patient
and research.
To provide excellent training in normal oral and paraoral anatomy, histology, and embryology
We impart training in the art of carving the morphology of teeth, which helps students in
To provide knowledge on the pathologic basis of oral and dental diseases for effective clinical
To teach the students about basic concepts of microscopy and its applications in histology,
histopathology, cytology and haematology.
To guide the students in diagnosing the common disorders of the orofacial region by
Histopathological and Cytological Diagnosis
- Histopathological and Cytological Diagnosis
- Biopsy
- Exfoliative cytology
- F.N.A.C
- Special stains like PAS, Van Gieson, Masson Trichome etc
Clinical Pathology
- Haemoglobin estimation
- RBC count
- BT
- CT
- Blood grouping & RH Type
- Blood Glucose (FSB/PPBS/RBS)
- HIV (Tridot test)
Trinocular Microscope with Digital Camera
A trinocular microscope allows for the user to take pictures, record videos, which can be saved for
future references. This is also a big advantage given that such still images and videos can give more
details after repeated observations. In a clinical setting, this is particularly beneficial given that
health care professionals can digitally share the images/videos with other professionals for
consultation and more analysis.
For teaching purposes (e.g. microscopy), a trinocular microscope also presents an advantage given
that an instructor can show the students what he/she is looking at, or observe how the student is
using the microscope. On the other hand, it can also be used for presentation purposes either in
academic of professional settings, allowing others to participate in the viewing of the specimen.
List of Faculty
Dr. Venu Naidu B
Professor HOD
Teaching Experience
11 Years
- BDS: 2006
- College: Narayana Dental College And Hospital, NTR University Of Health Sciences, Nellore.
- MDS: 2013
- College: Narayana Dental College And Hospital, NTR University Of Health Sciences, Nellore.
- Quantification and Correlation of Oral Candida with Caries Index among
Different Age Groups of School Children. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2016 Mar-
Apr; 6(2): 80–84.
- Ameloblastic Fibroma associated with impacted 3rd molar: A case report
.International Healthcare Research Journal 2017; 1(7):18-21.
- Tumor size and its relation to cervical lymph node metastasis and its
significance as a prognostic indicator for oral squamous cell carcinomas
(OSCCS) Journal of Oncology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology OGH Reports
2018; 7(1): 56-66
- “Immune histochemical expression of osteonectin, matrix metalloproteinases-9
and Ki-67 in Ameloblastoma” JOMFP. 2018;22(3):446
- A Pull back to dentistry: Case report with Review and Possible Hindrance
Prospects. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research
2021;4 (5):147-152
- Lateral periodontal Cyst Case Report -A Discrepant to Customary with Review
of Literature. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research
- Determination of antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica and Probiotic on periodontal pathogens: An in vitro study - International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, 2023 Vol 24, issue 5
- Parental Perspectives on the Impact of ReAttach Therapy on Dental Care for Children with Autism- Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities - 2023 December; 6 (10s2): 01-14.
- Prevalance of Oral Mucosal Lesions among Transgender individuals in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh – African Journal of Biomedical Research
- “Role of forensic odontologist in identification of burn victims”8 th International IAFO National Conference, Lucknow.
- “A Review of Techniques used For Human SalivaIdentification”9 th International IAOFO National conference, Salem.
- “Mobile Phones -A Reservoir for Bacterial Flora …. Unveiling the Potential Risk” 20thNational conference of IAOMP held at Ramoji film city, Hyderabad.
- Apparatus for Automated Pathological Tissue Sampling in Oral Biopies
Dr. Parameswar Peela
Teaching Experience
6 Years 6 Months
- BDS: 2009
- College: Sree Sai Dental College & Hospital, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Srikakulam
- MDS: 2015
- College: Gitam Dental College & Hospital, Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Visakhapatnam
- Fellow ship: 2025
- College:SDM Dental College Dharwad, Affiliated to Sri Dharmasthala Manujunatha University
- Indian Board of Forensic Odontology
- Ossifying fibroma mimicking an odontogenic lesion: a clinical glance! Vol-II, Issue-I, Jan -2013
- Evaluation and Comparison of Micronuclei from Intraoral Smears of Petrol Pump Attendants and Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal, January-June 2015;6(1):550-555
- Evaluation of Genetic Polymorphisms in Glutathione S-Transferase Theta1, Glutathione S-Transferase Mu1, and Glutathione S-Transferase Mu3 in Oral Leukoplakia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Deleterious Habits using Polymerase Chain Reaction. Int J Appl Basic Med Res. Jul-Sep 2017;7(3):181-185
- Solitary Plasmacytoma of mandible – a rare dytscrasia – case report and review of literature
- ‘’Oral Manifestations of HIV in Accordance with CD4 Count” – A Cross‑Sectional Study
- Evaluation of Immunochemical Expression of Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase in Oral Leukoplakia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma”- A Case Control Study
- Prevalance of Oral Mucosal Lesions among Transgender individuals in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh – African Journal of Biomedical Research
- Apparatus for Automated Pathological Tissue Sampling in Oral Biopies
Dr. V. Venkata Ramya
Senior Lecturer
Teaching Experience
6 Years 5 Months
- BDS: 2012
- College: Vishnu Dental College, NTR University of Health Sciences, Bhimavaram
- MDS: 2016
- College: College of Dental Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Davangere
- Thickness Of Oral Epithelium and the Inflammatory Cell Infiltrate In Oral Lichen Planus. A Morphometric Study. Cods Journal Of Dentistry 2014, Vol 6, Issue 2
- Apparatus for Automated Pathological Tissue Sampling in Oral Biopies
Dr. Ippili Manoj Kumar
Senior Lecturer
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2019
- Anil Neerukonda institute of Dental Sciences, Visakhapatnam
University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- MDS: 2023
- College:Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram
University: Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
- Fellow ship: 2022
- in Forensic Odontology
Affiliated to Indian Board of Forensic Odontology – 6th Batch
- Prevalance of Oral Mucosal Lesions among Transgender individuals in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh – African Journal of Biomedical Research
- Apparatus for Automated Pathological Tissue Sampling in Oral Biopies
Research Activities