Department Overview
Oral Medicine and Radiology is a specialized & combined unique branch in dentistry that deals with
clinical and radiological aspects of the diseases related to orofacial structures.
Oral medicine is the speciality concerned with dental and medical related disorders of the oral and the
facial region, including orofacial manifestations of systemic diseases. The latter include
gastrointestinal, dermatological, rheumatological and haematological diseases, autoimmune and
immunodeficiency disorders and the manifestations of neurological or psychiatric disease.
Oral Medicine is involved in patient care, teaching and research involving diagnosis and nonsurgical
management of diseases of the orofacial complex and systemic and behavioural disorders that impact oral
health, including:
- Orofacial pain
- Mucosal diseases
- Salivary gland disorders
- Temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
- Potentially Malignant disorders
- Oral cancer and complications of cancer therapy
- Management of Medical emergencies
- Neurosensory and motor disorders
- Dental care for patients with disabilities
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is the specialty of dentistry and discipline of radiology concerned
with production and interpretation of images and data produced by all modalities of radiant energy that
are used for the diagnosis and management of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral and
maxillofacial region.
Oral Radiology includes Intraoral radiography (IOPA radiographs, Bitewing & Occlusal Radiographs),
Extra oral radiography (OPG & other skull views) & specialized imaging techniques such as sialography,
Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT).
When compared to general radiology, oral radiology deals more specifically with dental and
maxillofacial structures. Owing to the complex nature of skull bones and dental structure when compared
to any other part of the body, imaging in this specific area becomes more challenging.
Students are taught how to examine the oral cavity, recognize the range of normal appearances, and
distinguish what is abnormal by studying the features of various oral diseases.
Graduates trained in this discipline manage oral mucosal diseases, salivary gland disorders, and
facial pain syndromes and also provide dental care for patients with complicating medical disease. These
areas are of increasing importance in the general practice of dentistry as the population presents with
a significant increase in bone diseases including oral cancer, and individuals with systemic diseases
complicating delivery of dental, oral and maxillofacial therapy and also deals with special needs of
geriatric patients.
The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology has a significant diversity in curricular responsibility
which is reflected in our program. Students learn through lectures, seminars, videos and clinical
practice. Lectures are supplemented with laboratory sessions and demonstrations.
In the Oral Medicine aspect, students learn about a range of lesions of the oral mucosa and jawbones,
including oral manifestations of systemic diseases. They also learn how to take an appropriate history,
determine initial diagnoses, and formulate dental treatment for medically compromised patients. Students
are exposed to the general approaches to treat oral diseases and the pros and cons of different
treatment. Oral Cancer screening, Tobacco cessation initiatives and management of diseases using
intralesional steroids are some of the areas this specialty trains students.
The department of Oral Medicine and Radiology is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities
including Radiovisiography (RVG), Dental X-ray units, Digital Panoramic imaging machine, and a clinical
laboratory incorporated for various investigations.
The Anil Neerukonda Hospital provides the advanced imaging methods for the students such as CT, MRI
and Ultrasonography, and we are looking forward to install a Cone beam computed tomography machine- the
latest in maxillofacial radiology.
Our goal is to ensure that graduating dentists are knowledgeable, observant and equipped to
participate and excel in the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
The department offers training in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses apart from being actively
involved in various scientific research activities.
- To develop & sustain evidence based education.
- To foster the services of Oral Medicine & Radiology needs to the society.
- Integration of Medical & allied sciences with dental sciences to provide optimal health care.
- To recognize as center of excellence in patient care.
- To promote need based & translational research in OMR.
Services Provided
- Intraoral Periapical Radiograph
- Occlusal Radiograph
- Orthopantamograph
- Hand Wrist/tmj/oblique View
- Skull Views
- Chest X Ray
- Biopsy
- Tens Therapy
- Sialography
- CBCT scanning services
- Dental Implants virtual planning
- AI generated cephalometric analysis on Lateral cephalograms
Special Equipment
- Soft Tissue Laser
- Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation (Tens) Unit
- Sialography Canula
- Illuminated Probe
- Fully Automated Autoclave
List of Faculty
Dr. B. Badari Ramakrishna
Professor & HOD
Professional Affiliations
Life Member : IAOMR
Annual member: IDA
Teaching Experience
14 Years 2 Months
- BDS: 2005 October
- College : Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur, Dr. NTRUHS
- 2010 April
- College: : Sibar Institute of Dental Sciences, Guntur, Dr. NTRUHS
- “Familial Crouzon syndrome” Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 2010;1(4):277-280
- “Odontogenic Keratocyst: A Case Report with Review” Journal of Evidence based Medicine
Healthcare, 2014;1(9):1192-1196.
- “Beta-thalassemia hijacking ineffective erythropoietin and iron overload: Two case
review of literature” J Nat Sc Biol Med. Jul 2014;5:456-9
- “Micronuclear Assay in Petrol Pump Workers: A Prospective Observational Study” Sch.
Biosci. 2017; 5(8):555-560
- “A cross-sectional study on the periodontal health status of jail inmates of
andhra Pradesh” Int J Recent Sci Res. 2018;9(3):24824-24827
- “Oral manifestations associated with neutrophil deficiency and neutrophil disorders: A
IAIM. 2018;5(6):61-71.
- “Immune histochemical expression of osteonectin, matrix metalloproteinases-9 and Ki-67
Ameloblastoma” JOMFP. 2018;22(3):446
- “Prevalence of Dental Caries, Oral Hygiene Status, Malocclusion Status and Dental
Needs in Thalassemic Children: A Cross sectional Study (Orginal Article)” JRAD.
- “Van Der Woude Syndrome: A Case Report (Case Report)” JRAD. 2021;11(2s):236-241
- “Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis: A Case Report” JRAD. 2021;12(1):25-35.
- “A Rare Entity of Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts in Non-syndromic Patient: A Case
JRAD; Volume 13; Issue 5; Sep-Oct 2022.
“Effects of artificial intelligence based dental monitoring® in patients with Periodontitis: a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. 2022;37(5):1744-55.
- “Comparative Evaluation of Eustachian Tube Changes in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients.” Cureus. 2023;15(5):e39040.
- “Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy induced oral mucosal changes in breast cancer patients – A Cross Sectional Study.” Pak Heart J 2023;56(03): 548-554
- “Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness on Smoking Habits among the Student Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study.” Studies in Science of Science| ISSN: 1003-2053. 2024 Dec 31;42(12):277-90.
- “Effect of Mother’s Oral Health awareness on Primary Teeth among Children Attending Pediatric Hospital. A Clinical Study.” Frontiers in Health Informatics. 2024;13 (3): 471-477.
- “Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy on Salivary Flow Rate.” Journal of Applied Bioscience. 2024 Dec 31;50(2):197-202.
- Guest lecture in a webinar on “COVID-19 SOCIAL AWARENESS PROGRAM” conducted by SRI
- Guest lecture on “CBCT IN IMPLANTS -AN OUTLOOK” in Visakhapatnam conducted by IDA AP
state branch on 5-6-22
- Guest Lecture on “How to advice CBCT & why” at 6th CDE Programme hosted by IDA vizianagaram on 29/12/2024.
- Organizing committee member in National UG Conference held in Rajahmundry, Andhra
- Organizing committee member of 32nd National IAOMR Conference held in Khammam, Andhra
Pradesh in December 2021.
- Best Journal reviewer award given by JIAOMR during 33rd National IAOMR conference held
Bhubaneswar, Odissa in December 2022.
- Organizing committee member (Scientific committee Co-convener) in 41st AP state IDA dental Conference 2022, Visakhapatnam, and Andhra Pradesh, India.
- As Chairperson for scientific Sessions in 41st AP state IDA dental Conference 2022, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in 33rd National IAOMR conference-2022, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in National IAOMR PG Convention-Aug, 2023, GSL Dental college Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- Best Journal reviewer award given by JIAOMR during 34th National IAOMR conference held in Davangere, Karnataka in Nov-Dec, 2023.
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in 35th National IAOMR conference-2024, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Dr. Rahul Marshal Vaddeswarapu
Professional Affiliations
Teaching Experience
10 Years
- BDS: 2009
- College : Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, Dr.NTRUHS
- MDS: 2014
- College: : Panineeya Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre,Hyderabad,Dr.NTRUHS
- Certificate course: Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) : 2018
- College: : Manipal College Of Dental Sciences (MCODS), Mangalore
- Aggressive fibromyxoma of the maxilla. J Cranio Max Dis 2013;2:170-4.
- Role of Platelet rich fibrin in wound healing: A critical review. J Conserv Dent
- Fulminant Mucormycosis involving paranasal sinuses: a rare case report. Case reports in
dentistry. 2014;1-5.
- Assessment of Salivary Gland Function Using Salivary Scintigraphy in Pre and Post
Iodine Therapy in Diagnosed Thyroid Carcinoma Patients. J Clin Diagn Res.
- A cross-sectional study on the periodontal health status of jail inmates of
andhra Pradesh. Int J Recent Sci Res. 2018; 9(3), pp. 24824-24827.
- Oral manifestations associated with neutrophil deficiency and neutrophil disorders: A
review. IAIM,
2018; 5(6): 61-71.
- Van Der Woude Syndrome: A Case Report. J Res Adv Dent 2021;11:2s:236-241
- Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis: A Case Report. J Res Adv Dent 2021;12:1:25-35.
- A test to study the influence of impaction on mandibular third molar development and
forensic age estimation in a sample of south Indian children and young adults.
- A Rare Entity of Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts in Non-syndromic Patient: A Case
J Res
Adv Dent 2022; 13(5):1-6.
- “Effects of artificial intelligence based dental monitoring® in patients with Periodontitis: a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing. 2022;37(5):1744-55.
- “Comparative Evaluation of Eustachian Tube Changes in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients.” Cureus. 2023;15(5):e39040.
- “Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy induced oral mucosal changes in breast cancer patients – A Cross Sectional Study.” Pak Heart J 2023;56(03): 548-554.
- “Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness on Smoking Habits among the Student Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study.” Studies in Science of Science| ISSN: 1003-2053. 2024;42(12):277-90.
- “Effect of Mother’s Oral Health awareness on Primary Teeth among Children Attending Pediatric Hospital. A Clinical Study.” Frontiers in Health Informatics. 2024;13 (3): 471-477.
- “Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy on Salivary Flow Rate.” Journal of Applied Bioscience. 2024;50(2):197-202.
- Presented paper titled “PROLOTHERAPY FOR TMD” at National IAOMR PG Convention,
- Presented paper titled “ODONTOSTADIOMETRY” at 11th National Conference Of IAFO, New
- Presented Poster titled “BONE SCINTIGRAPHY – 32nd AP State IDA Conference, Khammam.
- Guest Lecture on “CBCT: overview- basics and applications in dentistry” at Zonal Level CDE programme “CBCT & 3D printing: The changing dimensions of Dentistry” at ANIDS on 21st April, 2024.
- Successfully completed certificate course in “Cone Beam Computed Tomography” held at
Manipal College Of Dental Sciences(MCODS), Mangalore(2018)
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in National IAOMR UG Convention-2017,
Andhra Pradesh, India
- Organizing committee member & as Chairperson for a scientific Session in 32nd National
conference-2021, Khammam, Telangana, India.
- As Chairperson for scientific Sessions in 41st AP state IDA dental Conference 2022,
visakahapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in 33rd National IAOMR conference-2022,
Odisha, India
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in National IAOMR PG Convention-Aug, 2023, GSL Dental college Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session in 35th National IAOMR conference-2024, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
Dr. N. Rajesh
Professional Affiliations
IAOMR Life Member
American Heart Association Life Membership
Teaching Experience
9 Years 5 Months
- BDS: September 2008
- College : Mamata Dental College, Khammam, Telangana, Dr.NTRUHS
- MDS: June 2015
- College: Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, Dr.NTRUHS
- Sudhakara Reddy, Rajesh N, Raghavendra M N, Satish Alapati, Pavani kotha. “Unleash the
unknown – Frontal sinus and Nasal septal patterns in personal identification”.
International journal of
Dental Sciences and Research, 2014: 2(6); 141-145.
- D.Ayesha Thabusum, N.Rajesh, R.Sudhakara Reddy, T.Ramesh, M.Ravikanth. “Epithelioid
Haemangioma – A Diagnostic Dilemma.” British Journal of Medicine and Medical research.
6(10); 1032-1039.
- D.Ayesha Thabusum, N.Rajesh, R.Sudhakara Reddy, T.Ramesh. “Ectodermal Dysplasia – A
study of two identical siblings.” International journal of Dental Sciences and Research.
2014: 2(6);
- Dathar Sahithi, Sudhakara Reddy, N.Rajesh, Sheela Priyadarshini, Meenakshi Krishnan,
Gurugubelli Upendra. “Post Menopause and Osteoporosis – Unfolding the link.” International
journal of
Medicine. 2015;3(1):26-28.
- Ayesha Thabusum.D, R.Sudhakara Reddy, Rajesh. N. “Ozone – The new nemesis of canker
sore.” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Mar, vol-9(3):ZC01-ZC04.
- R.Sudhakara Reddy, K.Ramya, K.Pavani, G.Subbarayudu, N.Rajesh, R.Sruthi. “Dental
Anxiety – Neglect of Dental care.” International Journal of Health. 2015:3(1):20-23.
- D.Ayesha Thabusum, R.Sudhakara Reddy, T. Ramesh, N.Rajesh. Lipid profile as a marker of
prestage cancer and Oral cancer in Tobacco users. International Blood Research and
Reviews. 2015;
3(1): 26-35.
- Thabusum AD, Rajesh N, Reddy SR. Hampering the Hampered –A syndromic apathy.
International journal of dental clinics.2015; 7(2): a-c.
- S. M. Nallamilli, R. Tatapudi, R. S. Reddy, M. Ravikanth, N. Rajesh. A case report of
Primary Intra
osseous Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of Maxilla – An ambiguous presentation. Ghana Medical
Journal. 2015; 49(2):120-123
- Dathar Sahithi, Sudhakara Reddy, Ch. Sai Kiran, Tatapudi Ramesh, N.Rajesh, Divya Teja.
Cemento-Osseous dysplasia- A hidden inquest. International journal of Medicine. 2015;
- Kiran CS, Reddy RS, Nallakunta R. Evaluation of genotoxic effect of amalgam
restorations in oral
cavity. J Orofac Sci 2015;7:100-3.
- Ayesha Thabusum Dharmavaram, Rajesh Nallakunta , Sudhakara Reddy Reddy , Sai Kiran
Chennoju. Demystifying the enigma of smoking – An observational and comparative study on
tobacco smoking. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Apr, Vol10(4):
ZC94-ZC99 .
- N. Rajesh, D. Ayesha Thabusum, R. Sudhakara Reddy, M. Ravikanth. Demystifying the
– An ambiguous presentation of cement-ossifying fibroma in maxilla. British Journal of
and Medical research. 2016;16(6): 1-6.
- Dalli DT, Reddy SR, Dathar S, Nallakunta R, Madugula P, Darna G. Odontometrics: A key
to Gender determination. World J Dent 2016;7(3):1-5.
- N. Rajesh, D Ayesha Thabusum, R. Sudhakarareddy, M. Ravikanth, U. Shivaji Raju. An Oral
UlcerUnraveling the Mystery. Saudi J. Biomed. Res.; Vol-1, Iss-3(Sep-Nov, 2016):72-75.
- Rayapureddy Sruthi, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Nallakunta Rajesh, Koneru Jyothirmai,
Preethi, Thungala Navya Teja. Carrea’s Index and tooth dimensions – An avante garde in
estimation: An observational study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2016 Dec,
Vol10(12): ZC33-ZC37.
- D Ayesha Thabusum, N. Rajesh, R. Sudhakarareddy, M. Ravikanth, U. Shivaji Raju.
myxoma of maxilla – A rare case report. Wjpmr, 2017,3(1), 282-285.
- kothaPavani, R.Sudhakara Reddy, K.Jyothirmai, N.Rajesh, B.Naveenkumar, K.N.V.S.Praveen;
of frontal sinus and nasal septal patterns in personal identificationA digital
radiographic study.
International Journal of Current Research Vol. 9, Issue,12, pp.62573-62578, December, 2017
- Tungala Navya Teja, Reddy sudhakara Reddy, Nallakunta Rajesh, Rayapureddy Sruthi, Darna
Geetanjali and Penugonda Bala Satya Srinivas. Anthropometrics and Odontometrics in Gender
Determination – An Observational Comparative Study International Journal of Current
Research;2017;9(10).58803 – 58807
- Geetanjali Darna, Reddy Sudhakara Reddy, Rajesh Nallakunta, Sruthi Rayapureddy, Tungala
MALIGNANT DISORDERS; International Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 02
pp.65741-65746, February, 2018.
- Myla Swathi, T Ramesh, R Sudhakara Reddy, Md Rezwana Begum, N Rajesh, T Reshmi. Oral
manifestations in diabetic patients under treatment for ischemic heart diseases: A
observational study J Indian Acad Oral MedRadiol 2018;30:385‐91
- Anusha Avvaru , Jyothirmai Koneru, R.Sudhakara Reddy, Ramesh Thatapudi, Anand Babu
Beeraboyina , Rajesh Nallakunta .Evaluation of mandibular incisive canal anatomy by cone
computed tomography. Int J Dent Health Sci 2018; 5(4): 521-530.
- Kucherlapati Renuka, Buddaraju Leela, Nallakunta Rajesh, Merneedi Veerakumari, Reddy
Sudhakara Reddy, Suribhotla Suryabharath, M. Veera Kumari. Knowledge, Awareness and
of Forensic Dentistry: A Questionnaire Study among Dental Personnel Practicing in
Town, South India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, December 2019,
10, No. 12
- D.Ayesha Thabusum ,N.Rajesh ,Diagnostic Aids in Screening of Oral Cancer – An Update
Bull,April 2019;5(4):153-161.
- Sudarshini PS, Rajesh N, Sudhakara Reddy R, Evolution of Image Receptors in Dental
Int J Dent Mater 2020;2(1): 5-10.
- D.Ayesha Thabusum, N Rajesh , Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type – II – Report of Two cases
.Saudi Journal of Oral and Dental Research,2020.
- T. Sreenivasa Bharath, Vineet Guduri, Mohan Kumar P,Rama Krishna Alla,Rajesh N, R.
Reddy,Parents Perceptions and Support for E-learning of Dental Undergraduate Students
Covid-19 Lockdown,University J Dent Scie 2021; Vol. 7, Issue 3
- Ravi RK, Ganta GK, Rajesh N, Duvvuri SN, Sesha Reddy P, Reddy RP. An Overview of Dental
Implant Biomaterials. Int J Dent Mater. 2022;4(3):69-72
- “CAD/CAM in Orthodontics – A Magnanimous Journey.” Int J Dent Mater. 2023;5(1):9-12.
- “Digitalized dental learning and teaching methods during COVID lockdown—a student perspective” Front Oral Maxillofac Med 2023.
- “The Zebrafish (Danio rerio): A Dynamic Model Organism for Scientific Research.” Uttar pradesh journal of zoology. 2024;45 (15):526-40.
- “Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness on Smoking Habits among the Student Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study.” Studies in Science of Science| ISSN: 1003-2053. 2024;42(12):277-90.
- Scientific Paper Presentation on topic, “Amalgam – Is it a Boon or Bane” at
association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National Conference, 2012,Chandigarh.
- Scientific Paper Presentation on topic, “Unleash the Unknown- Graft versus host
disease- A
review.” at IAOMR (Indian association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National Convention,
- Scientific Paper Presentation on topic, “Ozone –The new nemesis of canker sore.” At
(Indian association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National Conference, 2013,Lucknow.
- Scientific paper presentation on topic, “Palatal Rugae – Hype or Hope” at Indian
association of
Forensic Odontology (IAFO) National conference, 2013, Vijayawada
- Paper Presentation on topic, “A Case report of Mucoepidermoid carcinoma involving right
maxilla.’’ in Zonal CDE programme by Dr. NTR university of health sciences for Post
Graduates, Bhimavaram.
- Paper Presentation on topic, “Hanging assaults of the palate’’ in Academy of continuing
education programme, Vishnu Dental college, Bhimavaram.
- Scientific paper presentation on topic “Demystifying the enigma of smoking – An
approach on tobacco smoking” at XIV National Triple O (Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery) conference, 2016 under faculty category at Subharti Dental College
Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
- Scientific Poster Presentation on topic, “Autologous immune enhancement therapy” at
(Indian association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National PG Convention, 2012,
- Scientific poster presentation on topic “Forensic odontology – Art and Science” at
conference on forensic odontology, 2017 under faculty category at King George Medical
University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Resource person- as Subject Matter Expert for Apple Distinguished School (ADS) workshop on e-learning at Vishnu Dental College on 16.12.24.
- Guest Lecture on “Pain and its pathways” in VISHNU-Adhyaan webinar program held at Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram, Aug 2024.
- Resource person for Workshop on e-learning and i-Pad usage in dental education at Vishnu Dental college on Feb 21st 2024
- Scientific Paper Presentation on topic, “Unleash the Unknown- Graft versus Host disease
- A
review.” at IAOMR (Indian association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National PG
2013, Vadodara - AWARDED best scientific paper
- Scientific Paper Presentation on topic, “Ozone –The new nemesis of canker sore.” at
IAOMR (Indian association of Oral Medicine and Radiology) National Conference, 2013,
Lucknow - AWARDED best scientific paper
- Scientific paper presentation on topic “Demystifying the enigma of smoking – An
approach on tobacco smoking” at XIV National Triple O (Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery) conference, 2016 under faculty category at Subharti Dental College
, Subharti University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh - AWARDED best scientific paper
- Author of the text book entitled “ Oral cancer – Oral Medicine perspective”
- As Chairperson for a scientific Session at “HEALTHITUDE 2024” - Administrative staff college of India, Hyderabad on 27.4.2024.
Dr. K. Venkata Lokesh
Associate Professor
Professional Affiliations
IAOMR Life Member
Teaching Experience
7 Years 6 months
- BDS: 2012
- College : GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam, Dr.NTRUHS
- MDS: June 2017
- College: GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam, Dr.NTRUHS
- Ameloblastic Fibroma associated with impacted 3rd molar : A case report .International
Healthcare Research Journal 2017;1(7):18-21.
- Immune histochemical expression of osteonectin, matrix metalloproteinases-9 and Ki-67
in Ameloblastoma. JOMFP. 2018;22 : 446
- Hereditary Hypohyhidrotic Ectodermal Dyspasia- Case Series of Two Cases in a Single
Family. Int
J Oral Health Med Res 2019
- A typical case of juvenile psammamatoid ossifying fibroma: Case report with literature
review and
differential diagnosis. Saint Int Dent J.2021
- Van Der Woude Syndrome: A Case Report (Case Report). JRAD, 2021;11:2s:236-241
- Encephalotrigeminal Angiomatosis: A Case Report. JRAD, 2021;12:1:25-35.
- A Pull backto dentistry: Case report with Review and Possible Hindrance Prospects.
Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research 2021;4 (5):147-152
- Lateral periodontal Cyst Case Report -A Discrepant to Customary with Review of
Literature. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research
- “A Rare Entity of Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts in Non-syndromic Patient: A Case Report” JRAD; Volume 13; Issue 5; Sep-Oct 2022.
- “Comparative Evaluation of Eustachian Tube Changes in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients.” Cureus. 2023;15(5):e39040.
- “Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy induced oral mucosal changes in breast cancer patients – A Cross Sectional Study.” Pak Heart J 2023;56(03): 548-554.
- “Parental Perspectives on the Impact of ReAttach Therapy on Dental Care for Children with Autism.” Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. 2023;6(10s (2)):1605-9.
- “Knowledge, Attitude, and Awareness on Smoking Habits among the Student Population: A Questionnaire-Based Study.” Studies in Science of Science| ISSN: 1003-2053. 2024 Dec 31;42(12):277-90.
- “Prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions among Transgender Individuals in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.” AJBR. 2024;27(4S):9415-8.
- “Efficacy of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy on Salivary Flow Rate.” Journal of Applied Bioscience. 2024;50(2):197-202.
- “Liquid biopsy: An emerging modality in early metastasis detection”. India’s Oral
Cancer Conference, Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu.
- “Evaluation of oxidative marker (8-OHdG) in Leukoplakic lesions associated with
conventional and reverse smoking – A comparative study”. National PG Convention, Chennai.
- “Primary intra osseous squamous cell carcinoma from KCOT – A double Rarity”. 27th IAOMR
National Conference, Hyderabad.
- “Saliva as a diagnostic tool in Forensic Odontology”. International Conference on
Odontology, Piparia, Vadodara.
- “Biomarkers in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and in Oral Cancer – A Review”.
National PG
Convention, New Delhi.
- III Prize for “Evaluation of oxidative marker (8-OHdG) in Leukoplakic lesions
associated with conventional and reverse smoking – A comparative study” in 3rd National PG
Talent Search, Tirupathi.
- I Prize for “Biomarkers in Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and in Oral Cancer – A
National PG Convention, New Delhi.
- As Chairperson for scientific Session in 41st AP state IDA dental Conference 2022, Visakhapatnam, and Andhra Pradesh, India.
Dr. Pottam Anupama
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
IDA : Life Member
IAOMR Life Member
Teaching Experience
5 Years 1 Month
- BDS: 2002 November
- College : Vinayaka Missions Lord Jaganadh Institute of Dental Sciences and Research,
Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
- 2019 June
- College: : GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam, Dr. NTRUHS
- Assessment of Reliability of Width and Length Variables in Kvaal’s and Cameriere’s Methods of
Age Estimation. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2017;7(3):91-100
- “Bone loss evaluation by cone beam computed tomography postdental implant placement: An original research.” J Pharm Bioall Sci 2022;14:S270-2.
- “Comparative Evaluation of Eustachian Tube Changes in Oral Submucous Fibrosis Patients.” Cureus. 2023;15(5):e39040.
- “Comparative evaluation of serum urea, uric acid, and creatine kinase levels in oral cancer and potentially malignant disorders of the oral cavity: a clinico-biochemical study.” Cureus. 2023 May;15(5). e39123.
- Best chairperson award for women dental council IDA Greater Visakhapatnam, at 41st IDA state dental conference, Nov-2022.
- Appreciation award & felicitation for her charitable events by IDA Greater Visakhapatnam in 2024.
Dr. Nellimarla Venkata Santhosh
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
IDA : Life Member
Teaching Experience
3 Years 7 Months
- BDS: 2012 April
- College: ST.Joseph Dental college, Eluru, Dr. NTRUHS
- 2016 June
- College: ST.Joseph Dental college, Eluru, Dr. NTRUH
- Age estimation based on variation in the pulp cavity of maxillary incisors - a radiographic study.
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015;4(10):2720-2728.
- Prevalence of Haller’s cells in south Indian population using digital panoramic radiographs. J.
Stomat. Occ. Med. 2015;8:12-16
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