The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has all the equipments and instruments as per the
norms laid by Dental Council of India. The department trains the undergraduates for the BDS program in 3rd
and 4th year and a complete 3 year program leading to the Master of dental surgery (MDS). The post
graduate intake is 2 per year at present.
The department has well qualified and experienced teaching faculty on a permanent full time teaching
basis. All types of pediatric dental and preventive treatments are provided to the patients at a minimal
cost. Free services are rendered to the underprivileged children living in orphanages and sheltered homes
and government hostels. Importance regarding the usage of good oral hygiene practices in children and
school outreach programs are given key value.
Research is given prime importance with all the Post graduate students and teaching faculty engaged in
various projects. The undergraduates and interns are also encouraged to undertake surveys and short
studies to understand the importance of research
A separate sterilization room for UG and PG section looks after the overall sterilization and disinfection
of instruments, materials, working area and laundry.
Preclinical phantom laboratory is present to train the postgraduates on typhodont teeth. The department
also has a preclinical laboratory to carry out the required laboratory work
An individual radiology room, departmental library, recovery room and a dolphin themed isolation room and
seminar hall are also present to carry out the postgraduate and undergraduate program in an efficient
The academic program includes lectures, tutorials, seminars, journal clubs, and pedagogy sessions. Weekly
seminars, journal club presentations and tutorials for students are conducted in the Seminar room.
Department has the latest audiovisual facilities and free access to the high speed internet. At the
undergraduate level we impart training in a group as well as in an individual manner so as to prepare a
student to diagnose and treat the diseases of the supporting structures of the teeth on a daily practice
basis and make appropriate referrals for advanced care
The postgraduate program in Pedodontics aims at producing a candidate competent in teaching, clinical
work & research activities.
The department has a adequate patient inflow, on an average about 45 patients visit the department for
treatment daily. At the undergraduate level we impart training as small group discussion as well as in an
individual manner so as to prepare a student to diagnose and treat the diseases of deciduous teeth and
To provide the optimal oral health care to the child and improve overall health thereby enhancing quality
of life of the child and the population at large.
Short term goals:
- Topic wise assessment of theory classes (exams will be conducted on applied aspects)
- Special focus on science transfer (clinical application of theoretical concepts)
- Special focus on referred batch students on individual basis
- Continuous monitoring of attendance (theory &clinics)
- Evaluating their difficulties in particular areas
- Attentitively preparing for forthcoming exams
- Demonstration of ultrasonic scaling and tooth cavity preparations and restorations
Long term goals:
- School dental health care programmes.
- Programmes will be conducted by 3rd&4rd BDS posted batches.
- Assignment of a project for each batch(posters, education models)
Short term goals:
- Health talks.
- Demonstration of rotary pediatric endodontics
- Demonstration of root canal treatments
- Special health care needs of child
- Pulpotomy and pulpectomy cases in intern quota.
- Compulsory posting in PG section for assistance.
Long term goals:
- Career guidance.
- Clinical practice management skills(pedo related)
Post graduate
Short term goals:
- Proper utilisation of recently procured equipment. (RVG)
- Student Patient time management.
- Monitoring patient’s appointments, recall visits by assigned faculty.
- Oral awareness programmes.(health talks)
- Pilot study publications in indexed journals.
Long term goals:
- Conducting CDE Programmes.
- Hands on courses.(pediatric endodontics, regeneration & LASER)
Overall Department Goals
- OP improvement. (cross referrals from other departments, organising camps, recalling the treated
- Digitalisation of clinical records.
- Maintaining work ethics & accountability at all levels & aspects.
- Beautification of department.(PG dept. Partition & cabins for PG chairs)
- Scaling
- Topical Fluoride Application
- Pit and fissure sealants
- GIC restorations
- Composite Restorations
- Amalgam
- Extraction
- Pulpotomy
- Pulpectomy
- Root Canal Treatment
- Pulp Capping
- Stainless Steel Crowns
- Strip Crowns
- Esthetic Crowns
- Space Maintainers
- Apexification
- Apexogenesis
- Minor Oral Surgical Procedures
- Minor Orthodontic Treatments
- Treatments Under General Anesthesia
- RVG.
- Hydrosolder: Helps in performing soldering which is used for fabrication of orthodontic appliances
with a high degree of accuracy and simplicity.
- Sterilization: We use a range of equipment which includes ultrasonic cleaner, hot air oven and
autoclave to achieve highest standards of sterilization protocol.
- Dolphin room for behaviour management techniques.
List of Faculty
Dr. Chaitanya Ram
Professor & HOD
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD, FOM
Annual Member: IDA
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2005
- College: Army College Of Dental Sciences, SIBAR Dental College, Secunderabad
- MDS: 2011
- College: SIBAR Dental College, NTR University Of Health Sciences, Guntur
- M. G. Manoj Kumar, A. J. Sai Sankar, Radha Krishna, Chaitanya Ram. K.Platelet Rich Plasma – The Panacea of Healing.Journal of Oral Research & Review.September 2011;3(1):57-63.
- Sayesh V,Ravichandrasekhar.K, Chaitanya Ram.K,Ravi G.R. NEC - An alternative to MTA? Andhra pradesh State Dental Journal. July 2011;4(3).318-20
- Sayesh V, Ravichandra KS, Ravi GR, Chaitanya Ram.K. Root Canal Revascularization via Blood Clotting In Regenerative Endodontics: Essentials and Expectations. –Journal of Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences 2013; 2(4):235-38.
- Guntipalli M Naidu, Ghanshyam Prasad M, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Suresh Babburi, Pratap KVNR. Choosing Public Health Dentistry as a Career:A Cross- Sectional Study. J Clin Diagno Res Feb 2014;8(2):199-202
- Guntipalli M Naidu, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula,Raj Kumar Chowdary Kopuri,SEswar Prasad, Durga Prasad, Suresh Babburi. Is Dental Treatment Safe In Pregnancy?Adentist’s survey opinion in South India. J Orofac Res 2013;3(4):233-39.
- Guntipalli M Naidu,Sirisha NR, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula,Raj Kumar Chowdary Kopuri, Vardan K, UroofRahamathulla. Career perception of dental house surgeons in Andhra Pradesh- A Cross-Sectional Study.J Res Adv Dent 2014;3(1):60-65.
- Guntipalli M Naidu, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula,SrikanthKoya. Bilateral Radix Endomolaris( third root); A Rare Endoexperience.J Adv Oral Res 2013;4(3):29-32.
- GuntipalliM Naidu, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy B,Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Narayan Reddy Satti,SwapnaAlla Reddy, Ravi Sekhar Babu P. Self reported and Clinical Diagnosed needs among Institutionalized Adults in Vijayawada; A Cross-Sectional Study. J Int Soc Prev Comm Dent 2014;4(1):35-39.
- Guntipalli M Naidu,Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Sirisha NR,SandhyaSree.Y, Raj Kumar Chowdary Kopuri,Narayan Reddy Satti,ChandrasekharThatimatla. Prevalence of Dentin Hypersensitivity and Related factors among Adult Patients visiting a Dental School in Andhra Pradesh, South India.J Clin Diagno Res 2014;8(9):ZC48-ZC51.
- Akurati Ratnaditya, Srinivas Ravuri, Durga Prasad Tadi, Chaitanya RamKandregula,Rajkumar Chowdary Kopuri,Venkata Girish Pentakota. A simplified method of preventing implant hex drive from aspiration or accidental swallowing during stage two implant recovery J Int Soc Prevent Community Dent 2014;4:S23-5.
- Naidu GM, Viswanath, Prathap K, Ram K C, Kiranmai G, Babburi S. Knowledge, attitude, and practices toward oral health among school teachers in "Guntur city," Andhra Pradesh, India. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2014;12:226-31
- Chandrasekhar T, A Ratnaditya,Chaitanya Ram Kandregula,Guntipalli M Naidu. Ozone Therapy: Applications in Preventive Dentistry J Res Adv Dent 2015; 4:1:103-106.
- Ravichandra KS, Ravi GR, Kandregula CR, Vundavalli S, Srikanth K, Lakhotia D. Emotional intelligence among dental undergraduate students: An indispensable and ignored aspect in dentistry. J Int Oral Health 2015;7(4):69-72.
- Ravichandra KS, Kandregula CR, Koya S, Lakhotia D. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dilemmas Revisited. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(1):75-81.
- A Ratnaditya, M.G. Manoj Kumar, Sai Sankar AvulaJogendra, Md. Zabirunnisa, Chaitanya Ram K, Raj Kumar chowdharyKopuri.Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophobic and Hydrophillic Pit and Fissure Sealants-A Two Year Follow-Up Study .Journal of Young Pharmacists 2015;7(3):171-79.
- Suneetha.M, Ravichandrasekhar K, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Srikanth Koya, Ravi GR. The prosthetic rehabilitation of soft palate cleft by speech bulb prosthesis- a case report. AP state dental journal 2016;9(2):323-26
- Naresh Perimi, Lakshamanakumar Ch, Ravichandra KS, Ravi GR, Srikanth Koya, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula.Presurgical nasoalveolarmolding (PNAM): Early management of cleft lip and palate. AP state dental journal 2016;9(1).288-90
- K.T.S.S. Rajajee, J. Sharada Reddy, Chaitanya Ram, Madhavi Krishna, Nikitha, Tangudu Archana. Mesiodens an Eruption Path Breaker: Review and Case Report. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:229-232.
- KTSS Rajajee, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Ravichandra Ks, Apoorva Gaddapati, Disha Lakhotia, Kandarpa Balakrishna.Paediatric Oral Health- Perceptions Of Paediatricians In Urban Vijayawada, India.International journal of advanced research 2018;6(7):410-414
- M. Madhavi Krishna, P. Jayalakshmi, B S Nikitha, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, “An Unusual Sequel to Calcium Hydroxide Extrusion- A Case Report”, IJDSIR- October - 2020, Vol. – 3, Issue - 5, P. No. 180 – 184.
- Voleti Sri Srujana Aravinda, Chaitanya Ram Kandregula, Malathi Y , Madhavi Krishna M, Nikitha BS, B Malathi Sree “Minimal Extension for Maximal Results - Review on Minimal Intervention Paediatric Dentistry". Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 6.1 (2022): 102-114.
- Molar incisor hypomineralization – prevalence in school children of gannavaram mandal. International journal of clinical pediatric dentistry
- Aggressive giant cell granuloma in a child- a case report and review- oral and maxillofacial pathology journal
- An unusual insight in biomarkers in dentin- pulp complex. International journal of medical science and innovative research
- Role of 3d printing: Catching up with expectations in Paediatric dentistry- Acta Bioclinica
- Voleti sri srujana aravinda , Chaitanya Ram Kandregula , P. Shreya , Madhavi Krishna M. b.S. Nikitha Malathi Yenni. Effect of screen time on oral health status in children-an experimental study with salivary analysis. Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(02), 1304-1313
- A crossectional and histological analysis to understand the cytologic effects of cell phone radiation on buccal mucosa of children- Journal of Indian society of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry.
- Comparison of efficacy of three local anesthetic solutions on pulp therapy of primary molars-international journal of advanced research
- Assessment of usefulness of MTA in deciduous molars. Journal of advanced medical sciences and research
- Tooth numbering systems : Chapter Text book of pediatric dentistry-Nikhil Marwah
- Root canal revascularization via blood clotting in regenerative endodontics: essentials and expectations, Journal of Dr. NTR UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES 2013;2(4):235-38.
- Choosing public health dentistry as a career: a cross-sectional study, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014 Feb; 8(2): 199–202.
- Career perception of dental house surgeons in Andhra Pradesh - a cross-sectional study, Journal Of Research And Advancement In Dentistry 2014;3(1):60-65.
- Self-reported and clinically diagnosed dental needs among institutionalized adults in Vijayawada: a cross-sectional study, Journal of International Society of Preventive And Community Dentistry 2014 Jan-Apr; 4(1): 35–39.
- Prevalence of dentin hypersensitivity and related factors among adult patients visiting a dental school in Andhra Pradesh, South India, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2014;8(9):ZC48-ZC5.
- A simplified method of preventing implant hex drive from aspiration or accidental swallowing during stage two implant recovery, Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry, 2014;4(1)-S23-S27.
- Knowledge, attitude, and practices toward oral health among school teachers in Guntur city, Andhra Pradesh, India, Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, 2014;12(3)-226-31.
- Ozone therapy: applications in preventive dentistry, Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 2015;4(1):103-6.
- Emotional intelligence among dental undergraduate students: an indispensable and ignored aspect of dentistry, Journal of International Oral Health 2015;7(4):69-72.
- Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhidrosis: diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas revisited, International Journal of Clinical and Pediatric Dentistry 2015;8(1):75-81.
- Clinical evaluation of retention in hydrophobic and hydrophilic pit and fissure sealants - a two-year follow-up study, Journal of Young Pharmacists 2015;7(3):171-75.
- Prosthetic rehabilitation of soft palate cleft by speech bulb prosthesis - a case report, AP State Dental Journal 2016;9(2):323-326.
- Mesiodens an Eruption Path Breaker: Review and Case Report, Journal of Research and Advancement in Dentistry 2018;8(1):229-232.
- Paediatric Oral Health - Perceptions of Paediatricians in Urban Vijayawada, India, International Journal of Advanced Research 2018;6(7):410-14.
- Tooth numbering systems: Chapter in Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry - Nikhil Marwah.
- An Unusual Sequel to Calcium Hydroxide Extrusion - A Case Report.
- An Unusual Insight into Biomarkers in Dentin-Pulp Complex.
- Molar Incisor Hypomineralization Prevalence in the Schoolchildren of Gannavaram Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India: A Cross-sectional Study.
- A cross-sectional and histological analysis to understand the cytological effect of cell phone radiation on buccal mucosa of children.
- Assessment of usefulness of MTA in deciduous molars.
- Aggressive central giant cell granuloma in a child - A case report & review.
- Effect of screen time on oral health status in children - an experimental study with salivary analysis.
- Minimal Extension for Maximal Results - Review on Minimal Intervention Paediatric Dentistry.
- Comparison of Efficacy of Three Local Anesthetic Solutions on Pulp Therapy of Primary Molar - An Original Study.
- Role of 3D Printing Catching up with Expectations in Pediatric Dentistry. 3D Printing in Dentistry.
Certified in Dentistry for Children with special health care needs(CSHCN). Certified by INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY. The 6 month certificate course was conducted at AIIMS, NEW DELHI.
Completed certificate course in GCP (GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE).
Revisiting the concept of space maintainers at ISPPD National conference,Ahemadabad(2023)
Augmentative systems and communications(2023)
Genetics in pediatric dentistry(2024)
Cephalometric tracing in growing children(2023)
Script to trace(2024)
Isolation and characterization of microbes
Certification in advanced biomolecular techniques from department of health & research,govt of india.
Certification in implantology from noble biocare,India.
Faculty affiliate royal college of surgeons,Ireland.
Dr. K. Bala Krishna
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD, IASDT
Annual Member: IDA
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 1994
- College: V.S Dental College, Bangalore
- University: Bangalore University
- MDS: 2005
- College: College of Dental Sciences, Davangere
- University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
- A Retrospective Analysis of Pulp Stones in Patients following Orthodontic Treatment
- Aggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma in a Child: A Case Report and Review
- Paediatric oral health – perceptions of paediatricians in urban Vijayawada, India
- Artificial intelligence in pediatric dentistry
- Comfort and acceptability of different types of mouth guards among 7-12 year old children at skating rink
- Is formocresol obsolete?
- Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength of different types of pit and fissure sealants in primary and permanent teeth - an in vitro study
- Prevalence of gingival enlargement in Karnataka school-going children
- Median palatal cyst in 7-year-old child: a case report
- A retrospective analysis of patients following orthodontic treatment
- Dentigerous cyst in primary dentition: a case report and short review
- Microscopic endodontics in Gitam Dental College
- Magnification in endodontics in IDA, Srikakulam
Dr. M. Madhavi Krishna
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2005
- College: Faculty of Dentistry Rajamuthaiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai Nagar, Annamalai
- University: Annamalai University
- MDS: 2015
- College: GITAM Dental College, Visakhapatnam
- University: Dr. NTRUHS Vijayawada
- A Cross sectional and Histologic Analysis to Understand the Cytologic Effects of Cell Phone Radiation on Buccal Mucosa of Children
- Role of 3D Printing Catching up with Expectations in Pediatric Dentistry. 3D Printing in Dentistry
- Effect of Screen Time on Oral Health Status in Children – An Experimental Study with Salivary Analysis
- Comparison of Efficacy of Three Local Anesthetic Solutions on Pulp Therapy of Primary Molar- An Original Study
- Minimal Extension for Maximal Results - Review on Minimal Intervention Paediatric Dentistry
- Innovative clinical technique of space maintenance using customized functional space maintainer: a case series
- An Unusual Sequel to Calcium Hydroxide Extrusion-A Case Report
- Mesiodens an Eruption Path Breaker: Review and Case Report
- Comparative Evaluation of Shear bond strength of three composites Restorative Materials
- Effect of fluoride varnish application at regular intervals on surface roughness of Giomer and Ormocer
- Topographic analysis to measure surface roughness of two esthetics restorative materials subjected to aerated drinks-An AFM study
- Artificial intelligence in pediatric dentistry
Dr. Y. Malathi
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2012
- College: SIBAR Dental College, Guntur
- MDS: 2016
- College: SIBAR Dental College, Guntur
- Dental Treatment Needs in Thalassemic Children: A Cross-sectional Study. J Res Adv Dent 2020;10:2:35-41.
- Comparative evaluation of four different sterilization methods on contaminated endodontic files, CHRISMED J Health Res 2017;4:194-7.
- Comparison of Efficacy of Three Local Anesthetic Solutions on Pulp Therapy of Primary Molar- An Original Study.
- Effect of screen time on oral health status in children-an experimental study with salivary analysis.
- Role of 3D Printing Catching up with Expectations in Pediatric Dentistry. 3D Printing in Dentistry.
- Minimal Extension for Maximal Results - Review on Minimal Intervention Paediatric Dentistry.
- Innovative clinical technique of space maintenance using customized functional space maintainer: a case series.
- An Unusual Insight into Biomarkers in Dentin-Pulp Complex.
- Artificial intelligence in pediatric dentistry.
- Evaluation of centralization ability and canal transportation of root canals prepared with three commercially available pediatric rotary files.
Dr. Bhanu Prasad
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2015
- College: GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam
- University: DR. NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- MDS: 2020
- College: GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam
- University: DR. NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- Assessment of usefulness of MTA in primary molars, Journal of Advanced Medicine 2022, Vol 10, Issue 6
Dr. N. Apoorva
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2012
- College: Drs. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences
- University: DR. NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- MDS: 2016
- College: Drs. Sudha and Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences
- University: DR. NTR University of Health Sciences, AP
- Knowledge And Awareness Of South Indian Females Regarding Maternal Smoking And Its Adverse Effects On Pregnancy Outcomes- A Multi-Centered Cross-Sectional Study
- Endodontic retrieval of unusual foreign object from root canal of a maxillary central incisor- a case report with one year follow up and an update
- Evaluation of centralization ability and canal transportation of root canals prepared with three commercially available pediatric rotary files
- Digitilization of pediatric dentistry: a review
- Paediatric oral health – perceptions of paediatricians in urban Vijayawada, India
Dr. V K Santhosh Kumar Kodi
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2012
- College: St. Joseph Dental College & Hospital, Eluru
- University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences
- MDS: 2017
- College: St. Joseph Dental College & Hospital, Eluru
- University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences
- Clinical comparison of eggshell derived calcium hydroxyapatite with dycal as indirect pulp capping agents in primary molars
- Triple antibiotic paste versus propolis: A clinical quest for the reliable treatment of periapical lesions in primary molars
- Comparative reliability of rugoscopy and dactyloscopy for the predilection of malocclusion and dental caries in children: A Cohort Study
- The serological evidence of cytomegalovirus infection as a potent etiological factor for cleft lip/palate, mental retardation, and deafness
- Modified halterman appliance – a key to alter bilateral ectopic eruption of maxillary permanent first molars
- Evaluation of mechanical plaque removal effectiveness of toothbrush and its modifications in intellectually disabled children
- Chemomechanical caries removal method versus mechanical caries removal methods in clinical and community-based setting: a comparative in vivo study
- Artificial intelligence in pediatric dentistry
Dr. Avula Sudheer Kumar
Senior Lecturer
Professional Affiliations
Life Member: ISPPD
Teaching Experience
- BDS: 2014
- College: Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavaram
- University: Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences
- MDS: 2022
- College: Jaipur Dental College, Jaipur
- University: Maharaja Vinayak Global University
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